One-Minute Survey

Would you be so kind as to give answers to these basic questions below so we can prepare a customized presentation for your Venue?

What are the greatest Liability Risks to your Venue? (Check All That Apply)

Does it matter that convicted felons, pedophiles, & persons on terrorist watchlists may be entering your Venue?

COVID: Does your Venue need to track any of the following?

What customer data is most important to your Venue? 

If you owned all your customer data, would it greatly decrease your dependence on borrowed real estate like social media and reduce marketing costs?

Do you currently use any of the programs listed? Check All That Apply

What is your current interest in our LevL Venue Pro & Plus Products? ( 5 being the highest interest)

What is your current interest in our Personal App that allows Patrons in your Venue to connect in Real-Time based on their Moods and your Venue Live Feed?

We would like to thank you for providing us with useful information, in helping us to best serve you.